Wow-Worthy Las Vegas Wine Cellar Designs
To truly elevate your wine cellar to the next level, collaborating with expert wine cellar designers is an absolute must. We have the knowledge and creativity that can transform your basement into a captivating space that goes beyond mere functionality. From customized storage solutions and temperature control systems to exquisite lighting and architectural details, we will bring your vision to life. We can guide you to create a wine cellar that not only showcases your collection but also becomes a conversation piece, leaving your guests in awe.
Unique Las Vegas Wine Cellar Designs for Homes
Many homeowners who love to collect and drink wine invest in a wine room where they can store and display their wines beautifully. Working with an experienced contractor like Custom Wine Cellars Las Vegas will ensure that your expectations are met or exceeded. We also partner or collaborate with other expert wine cellar designers like Harvest Wine Cellars and Coastal Custom Wine Cellars, to give our customers the best of the best.
Stylish Custom Home Wine Cellar Designs by Harvest Custom Wine Cellars
Harvest Custom Wine Cellars has proven its expertise in creating fabulous designs for residential applications. With decades of experience in the wine room construction industry, they have transformed small to large spaces into wine cellars with distinctive features.
Minimalist Design for a Home Wine Cellar in Las Vegas
In one of the Las Vegas wine cellar designs they created, they had to modify the existing racking in the existing wine room of the client. The Harvest team incorporated features that would help achieve a minimalist design. They created a wine storage system that would maximize the capacity of the small space.
Harvest Custom Wine Cellars included a tabletop that runs the middle of the three walls of the wine room. It provides a place for decanting and serving wines.
They added twelve rectangular bins below the tabletop on each sidewall. These bins are intended for storing wines in a neck-forward configuration, as well as bottles in wood cases. The top section of the left and right walls consists of individual wine racks and high-reveal display rows just above the tabletop. The display rows pitch the bottles at an angle. The focal point of this elegant home wine cellar is the rectangular arch opening on the back wall. It is surrounded by single bottle storage.
Transitional Home Wine Cellar Design
One of the ways to make Las Vegas wine cellar designs stand out is by incorporating wood and metal elements into them. In another transitional home wine cellar project, Harvest Custom Wine Cellars utilized wood and metal wine racks to create a narrow transitional-style wine room.
The Harvest team installed wine racks from VintageView on the left and right walls, making the bottles look like they are floating in mid-air. They installed valances above and below to illuminate the bottles upward.
The wooden wine racks are located at the back wall and were supplied by IronWine Cellars. The center of the racking consists of an arch display with a tabletop for serving wines. Harvest Custom Wine Cellars also added a high-reveal display row on both sides. Below the tabletop is a drawer and a double-door cabinet where the homeowners could store their wine accessories such as bottle openers, decanters, and wine glasses. The wood wine racks were unlacquered but stained with Alder Wheat.
Contemporary Las Vegas Wine Cellar Designs by Coastal Custom Wine Cellars
Coastal Custom Wine Cellars is another group of master builders who have built a good reputation because of the distinctive Las Vegas wine cellar designs they have created. Find out how they transformed spaces into jaw-dropping contemporary wine rooms.
Glass-Enclosed Wine Closet: Perfect for a Showpiece

These Las Vegas Modern Glass Wine Cellar designs Have a Luxurious Appeal
Glass enclosures are becoming more popular in wine cellar construction. Coastal Custom Wine Cellars worked on a project where the client wanted to create a showpiece of a few bottles. They demolished a pillar in the living room so they could utilize the space for the project.
A cable wine system was the perfect option based on the client’s requirements, and it complements the existing style of the home. The racking is triple deep and was designed to accommodate 86 bottles. The Coastal team installed a 3/4 inch acrylic light panel for the top and bottom portions of the glass wine cellar to create soft white lighting. It can be adjusted to achieve the mood that the client wants.
Home Wine Cellar Designed with Dramatic Lighting
The client requested Coastal Custom Wine Cellars to convert an existing wine bar in his home into a modern wine cellar. They brought down a wall and applied several layers of foam in the wall cavity to increase the insulation of the wine room. The wine racks installed were VintageView wine pegs, which are designed for wall-mount installation. It eliminates the use of floor space, giving room for wooden cases at the bottom.
Some wine racks are double deep, while others are triple deep. The seamless glass door has two glass walls affixed to its sides. It has metallic door handles that go well with the wine cellar design.
Ready to Start Your Project? Work with Experts Creating in Las Vegas Wine Cellar Designs.
The Las Vegas wine cellar designs created by top-notch builders are awe-inspiring. Harvest Wine Cellars and Wine Cellars by Coastal have proven their expertise in the construction industry.
If you are planning to start your project, we will help you! Let us transform your space into a wine room equipped with stunning features. Please call us at (702) 866-9544.